University of Minnesota

School of Statistics
MacAnova Home Page
Download MacAnova
MacAnova Pros and Cons
MacAnova History
Downloading Macintosh MacAnova
There are two versions of MacAnova for the Macintosh:
  1. The Mac OS X version, which has the latest user interface but runs only on OS X.
  2. The Mac OS version, which works on Mac OS 8/9 and on OS X under Classic, but has an older, less capable user interface.

The OS X download file comes with everything, including auxiliary files, HTML help, the reference manual, and user guide. It is an OS X disk image (.dmg) file. Simply open the disk image and drag the MacAnova application and documentation to a convenient place on your hard drive.

The OS 8/9 download contains only the program and required auxiliary files in a binhexed, self-extracting archive. You may download the documentation and HTML help separately.

There is no problem with downloading both versions, although you will get multiple copies of some files.


You may also Browse the entire MacAnova Macintosh ftp archive.

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Last modified Tue Aug 16 15:26:59 CDT 2005