
See the Section about Rules for Quizzes and Homeworks on the General Info page.

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Note: Plain text specifically excludes PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) (extension .pdf). If you use Sweave, knitr, or Rmarkdown, upload the source (extension .Rnw or .Rmd) not PDF or any other kind of output.

If you have questions about the quiz, ask them in the Moodle forum for this quiz. Here is the link for that

You must be in the classroom, Armory 202, while taking the quiz.

Quizzes must uploaded by the end of class (1:10). Moodle actually allows a few minutes after that. Here is the link for uploading the quiz

Homeworks must uploaded before midnight the day they are due. Here is the link for uploading the homework.

Quiz 7

Problem 1

This problem is a redo of Homework 6, Problem 4 (the solutions for which have been posted). The only difference is that we are going to parallelize the computations using the R function mclapply in the base package parallel following Section 7.1 of the course notes about parallel computing).

You may have everything in your solution as in the solution for Homework 6, Problem 4 except for parallelization. You have to break up the work into multiple pieces, and do each piece using mclapply operating on one component of the list it is given.

On unix (Linux or Mac OS X) presumably you want the same number of pieces at the R function detectCores in the R package parallel says your computer has.

On Microsoft Windows this method of parallelization does not work. But the documentation for mclapply says the function will work (but just not do any parallelization) if the optional argument mc.cores = 1 is supplied. This allows you to do this problem satisfactorily even if you have Windows. Also you know that you could actually do parallelization this way if you ever get a real computer (TM).

Don't forget to

You may ignore the fuss about warnings in the my solution to Homework 6, Problem 4.

Problem 2

This problem is a redo of the the preceding problem. (the solutions for which have been posted). The only difference is that we are going to parallelize the computations using the R function parLapply in the base package parallel (rather than the R function mclapply from the same package, which was used in the preceding problem following Section 7.2 of the course notes about parallel computing).

Unlike in the proceeding problem, this method should work equally well on Windows and unix.

In addition to the hints to the preceding problem, don't forget that you may need to use the R function clusterExport in R package parallel.

Problem 3

This problem is about Bayesian inference via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), which was covered in the course notes on that subject.

The statistical model is Cauchy location-scale, the same model that was analyzed by likelihood methods in Section 9 of the course notes on statistical models, Part II.

For the prior we are going to use what the course notes on Bayesian inference call the "method of made-up data" (which in this problem is a special case of the well known and widely used method of conjugate priors, which we did not explain in the course notes, and will not explain here).

We take the prior to be the likelihood for made-up data { −1, 0, 1 }, so the unnormalized posterior is the same as the likelihood for the real data times the the likelihood for these made-up data, or, what is the same thing, the likelihood for the concatentation of real and made-up data.

It is not obvious that this prior is proper, but I checked it by integrating it in Mathematica, and it is proper.

Simulate the posterior distribution of the parameters μ and σ using the R function metrop in the CRAN package mcmc.

Do a simulation in which there is no batching (argument blen = 1 to the R function metrop) so the result returned by metrop has component batch whose components are simulations of μ and σ rather than batch means.

From this make 95% equal-tailed Bayesian credible intervals for μ and σ, which is something not covered in the course notes, but is very simple. The credible interval for μ has endpoints that are the 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles of the simulations of μ and similarly for σ.

Do not forget the restriction σ > 0. Also do not forget that the starting state for the Metropolis algorithm must also satisfy this constraint.

For data use the same data as was used in the course notes

x <- read.csv(url(""))$x

It is OK if the code you submit makes plots. You do not also have to submit the plots (the code to make the plots is enough). Just explain what the point of the plots is.

Homework 7

This homework is different from all other homeworks in having no new problems. The only homework is redo of the quiz problems above.

If you don't like your solutions to these problems on the quiz, you are allowed to redo them (better) for homework. If you don't submit anything for problems 1–3, then we assume you liked the answers you already submitted.

Note that this homework is due Friday May 5 (two days after the quiz rather than the usual 7 days after the quiz).

Answers in the back of the book

Problems 1 and 2 are just redos of problems from previous homework. The answers should be the same except for different random number generators being used. So the answers in the back of the book are just the answers from previous homework.

Problem 3 is new, so we give for comparison some good answers

parameter lower upper
μ 6.79 10.85
σ 3.35  7.52

These are based on 30 minutes of computing time, so they are likely more accurate Monte Carlo estimates than anything from shorter computing time.