University of Minnesota, Twin Cities     School of Statistics     Stat 3011     Rweb     Textbook (Wild and Seber)

Stat 3011 (Geyer) Second Midterm (Computer Lab Part)

Go to question:     1     2     3

General Instructions

The exam is open book, open web pages. You may use the computer, a calculator, or pencil and paper to get answers, but it is expected that you will use the computer. Show all your work: No credit for numbers with no indication of where they came from!

Question 1 [15 pts.]

Suppose a random variable T has Student's t distribution with 5 degrees of freedom.

  1. Find the probability that T is less than -5.0.

  2. Find the probability that T is greater than 1.5.

  3. Find the probability that T is greater than 2.0 in absolute value, that is, pr(|T| > 2.0).

  4. Find the t such that pr(|T| > t) = 0.10.

Question 2 [15 pts.]

Two groups of students in physics lab repeatedly measured the measured voltage on a battery using a voltmeter. Each group had a different battery. Each group did four measurements. Their measurements are typed in the Rweb form below as the vectors x and y respectively.

  1. Find a 99% confidence interval (note: not 95%) for the difference of the true voltages of the batteries measured by the two groups.

  2. What assumptions are needed about the probability distributions of battery measurements in order for interval to actually have its stated confidence level?

You may use the form below to answer this question.

Question 3 [20 pts.]

The task in this question is to calculate real two standard error (2 s. e.) intervals for the questions done the quick and dirty way yesterday.

First the data. In poll about dessert preferences, some questions and answers were

yes no don't know or not sure
Generally eat dessert 71% 21% 8%
Like ice cream 77% 18% 5%
Like vanilla ice cream 68% 20% 12%

For the subgroup consisting of children under 10 years of age the answers were
yes no don't know or not sure
Generally eat dessert 91% 3% 6%
Like ice cream 95% 5% 0%
Like vanilla ice cream 80% 12% 8%

The sample size for the whole poll was 1067. The number of children under 10 years of age in the poll was 67.

  1. What is the 2 s. e. interval for the 71% eating dessert in the whole sample?

  2. What is the 2 s. e. interval for the 91% eating dessert in the children under 10?

  3. What is the 2 s. e. interval for the difference 77% - 68% = 9% in preference between ice cream in general and vanilla ice cream in the whole sample?

  4. What is the 2 s. e. interval for the difference 95% - 80% = 15% in preference between ice cream in general and vanilla ice cream in the children under 10?