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hconcat(a,b,c,... [,labels:structure(rowLabs,colLabs), silent:T]) where
  a, b, c, ... matrices and rowLabs and colLabs are CHARACTER scalars or

Keywords: combining variables, variables, null variables
hconcat(a,b,c,...) combines matrices a, b, c ... side to side by
concatenating their rows.

All arguments must be of the same type, REAL, LOGICAL, or CHARACTER, and
have the same number of rows m.  The result is a matrix of that type
with m rows and na+nb+nc+... columns, where na, nb, nc, ... are the
number of columns of a, b, c, ... .

An argument that is a vector of length m is considered to be a m by 1
matrix.  In particular, if a is a vector of length m, hconcat(a) is a m
by 1 matrix.

An argument that is an array with only two dimensions not equal to 1 is
considered to be a matrix (see 'matrices').  For example,
  Cmd> hconcat(array(run(6),1,2,3),array(2*run(8),2,1,4))
is equivalent to
  Cmd> hconcat(matrix(run(6),2),matrix(2*run(8),2))

If a is a vector of length n, hconcat(a) is a matrix with n rows and 1

Any argument of type NULL is ignored.  If all arguments are NULL, so is
the result.

hconcat(a,b,...,labels:structure(rowLabs,colLabs) [,silent:T]) uses
CHARACTER scalars or vectors rowLabs and colLabs as row and column
labels for the result.  With silent:T, no warning is printed if labels
are the wrong size.  See topic 'labels' for details.

See also topics vconcat(), vector(), 'matrices', 'NULL', 'vectors'.

Gary Oehlert 2003-01-15