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addhelpfile(names [,T]), names a CHARACTER scalar or vector of length 2

Keywords: general, files
addhelpfile(fileName) adds fileName at the beginning of CHARACTER vector
HELPFILES which contains the names of files to be searched for help.
fileName must be a quoted string or CHARACTER scalar.  Because fileName
is added at the beginning of HELPFILES, the file will usually be the
first one searched.  In addition, the name "index" is added at the start

addhelpfile(fileName,T) does the same except the file name is added at
the end of HELPFILES so the file will be searched last.  "index" is
added at the end of HELPINDICES.

addhelpfile(vector(fileName,indexName) [,T]) does the same, except
that CHARACTER scalar indexName is added at the start or end of
HELPINDICES instead of "index".

When HELPFILES does not already exist, addhelpfile() creates it.

When fileName is a simple file name containing no directory or folder
information (for example, "survival.hlp" but not "./survival.hlp" or
":survival.hlp"), the file is first assumed to be in the default
directory.  If not found there, MacAnova looks for it in the folders or
directories listed in variable DATAPATHS. See topics 'DATAPATHS',
adddatapath(), 'file_names', 'files'.

addhelpfile(getfilename(type:"text") [,T]) does the same, except you
pick the file interactively using a file navigation dialog box.  The
complete path name (file name with directory information) of the
selected file will be added to HELPFILES.  This works only in windowed
versions (Windows, Macintosh, Motif).  See getfilename().

  Cmd> addhelpfile(vector("survival.hlp","survival_index"))
  Cmd> addhelpfile("C:/mvmacros/survival.hlp",T) # for DOS/Windows
  Cmd> addhelpfile("MyDisk:MVMacros:Survival.hlp",T) # on a Mac
  Cmd> addhelpfile("") # file added to be selected in dialog box

See also topics help(), gethelp().

Gary Oehlert 2003-01-15