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sin(x [, degrees:T or radians:T or cycles:T]), x REAL or a structure
  with REAL components x in radians (default), cycles, or degrees as set
  by option "angles" or the optional keyword.

Keywords: transformations
sin(x) computes the sines of the elements of x, where x is a REAL
scalar, vector, matrix or array.  The result has the same shape as x.

The argument is considered to be in units of radians, degrees or cycles
as determined by the value of option 'angles'.  The default is radians.
See subtopic 'options:"angles"'.

sin(x, radians:T), sin(x, degrees:T), sin(x, cycles:T) interpret x as in
the indicated units, regardless of the value of option 'angles'.

If any element of x is MISSING or is too large (> 5000000*PI radians in
absolute value), the corresponding element of the result is MISSING and
a warning message is printed.

When x is a structure, all of whose non-structure components are REAL,
sin(x [,UNITS:T]), where UNITS is one of 'radians', 'degrees' or
'cycles', is a structure of the same shape and with the same component
names as x with each non-structure component transformed by sin().

See topic 'transformations' for more information on sin(), including its
use with a CHARACTER argument.

Gary Oehlert 2003-01-15