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Unix/Linux and DOS: macanova [-q] [File Options] [Screen Options]
                    at Unix/Linux or DOS prompt
Macintosh:          Double click on MacAnova icon or MacAnova file icon
Windows:            Double click on MacAnova for Windows icon

Keywords: general, files
For non-windowed versions (Unix/Linux or DOS), type 'macanova' at the
Unix/Linux or DOS prompt.  If the MacAnova directory is not in the
search path, you will need to specify the complete path.  See below for
command line options.

               Launching Windows/Windows 95/98/NT Version
Under Windows 3.1 with Win32s, if the windows installer was used, there
should be a Program Manager icon labelled MacAnova for Windows which you
click on to launch the program.  If not, use Run on the Program Manager
File menu specifying the path name for MacAnova.  If one or both of the
DOS versions were installed, they can be started the same way.  The file
names for the Windows, extended memory and limited memory versions are
versions, but not the Windows version can be launched from the DOS

If MacAnova is installed correctly under Windows 95/98/NT there is a
MacAnova entry on the Start menu, with a submenu with entries for all
versions.  All versions can be launched from the DOS prompt.

The Windows version of MacAnova starts up with an Untitled command/
output window.  The DOS versions start up in a DOS window.

See also topics 'dos_windows', 'wx'.

                Launching the Motif Version of MacAnova
Assuming the Motif version has been named macanovawx and is in a
directory in your search path, type

    macanovawx [-q] [File Options] [Path Options] [Screen Options] &

at the Unix/Linux prompt, where items in [...] are options.  See below
for details on command line options.  This will open an Untitled
MacAnova command/output window.  The trailing '&' is not required but
allows you to type more commands in the window from which you launched
MacAnova without quitting MacAnova.

See also topics 'unix', 'wx'.

                   Launching MacAnova on a Macintosh
MacAnova may be started up in several ways.
1.  Double click the MacAnova icon.

2.  Double click on the icon associated with a file previously created
    by save() or asciisave() or either the Save Workspace or Save
    Workspace As... items on the File menu. This restores the workspace
    previously saved.

3.  Double click on a the icon associated with a file previously created
    by the Save Window or Save Window As... items on the File menu.
    This initializes the command window with commands and output from
    previous run.

4.  Select both the icon associated with a file previously created by
    save() or asciisave() or Save Workspace ... and the icon associated
    with a file previously created by Save Window or Save Window As and
    then double click or select Open on the Finder File menu.  This
    restores both the previous workspace and previous output.  This
    means you can interrupt a session and restore things exactly to how
    they were at the point of interruption.

If you hold down the Option or Q keys (or both), no startup message is
displayed or printed.

                Macintosh Non-Interactive ("batch") Mode
If you hold down either the Command or B keys (or both) during lauching,
MacAnova will be run in non-interactive mode without a command/output
window, and with commands and their output written ("spooled") directly
to a file.  A scrolling dialog box allows you to select this file.  If
you click on Cancel, then standard interactive mode will be used.  Next,
another scrolling dialog box allows you allows you to select a file
which contains MacAnova commands to be run.

If you launched MacAnova by double clicking a file created by Save
Window or Save Window As and hold down Command or B, the second dialog
box will be skipped and the clicked-on file will be used as the file of
commands.  You can make such a file from within MacAnova by selecting
the New Window item on the Windows menu to open a new command/output
window.  Then type in the commands *before* the prompt 'Cmd>'.  When you
are satisfied, delete 'Cmd>' and use Save As on the File menu to save
the commands you have entered in a file.

See also topic 'macintosh'.

          Launching non-Windowed MacAnova on Unix/Linux or DOS
On Unix/Linux or DOS you start MacAnova by typing
   MVName [-q] [-e Expr] [-savemodels N] [File Options] [Path Options]
             [Screen Options]
at the Unix/Linux or DOS prompt.  In Unix/Linux, MVName is usually
macanova; in DOS MVName is macanodj (extended memory version) or
macanobc (limited memory version).

Alternatively, in non-windowed versions you can evaluate a single
command by
  MVName -eq Expr [options]
where Expr is a MacAnova expression or command.  This executes Expr,
prints the result, and immediately quits.  Usually Expr will need to
be quoted (macanova -eq "sqrt(20)").  Use of -batch (see below) is
incompatible with use of -eq.  This enables you to use MacAnova as a
calculator at the DOS or Unix/Linux prompt.

If file cmdFile contains MacAnova commands to do an entire analysis,
   MVName [options] < cmdFile > outputFile
will save all the results in file outputFile

Items in [] are optional.  You can use most of the command line options
on the Motif version or on the Windows version when it is started by
selecting Run on the Program Manager File menu.

If -q is present, the startup message will not be printed.

If -e Expr is present, where Expr is a MacAnova expression or command,
Expr will be executed before anything else is done.  This allows you to
set variables, including file names and data set names before a batch
file is executed.  Usually, Expr will need to be quoted as in
   MVName -e "n <- 30"

See topic 'customize' for one use of -e.

If -savemodels N is present, where N is an integer >= 0, it sets the
maximum number of sets of GLM model information that can be saved by
pushmodel() to N.  The default is N = 2 except in the limited memory DOS
version where it is 0.

      File Options for Unix/Linux, Motif, DOS and Windows versions
Note: In the windows version, these can be used only if MacAnova is
launched from the DOS prompt.
-f initFile
  File initFile is executed silently as a batch file at startup instead
  of file .macanova.ini in Unix/Linux or MACANOVA.INI in DOS (see

-restore saveFile  or  -r saveFile
  The equivalent of 'restore("saveFile")' is executed at startup and
  .macanova.ini (Unix/Linux) or MACANOVA.INI (DOS/Windows) is not read.
  See topics 'customize', restore().

-batch batchFile  or  -b batchFile
  The equivalent of 'batch("batchFile")' is executed after

-bprompt Prompt  or  -bp Prompt
  Sets a prompt to be used with echoed commands in batchFile; this is
  meaningful only with -batch batchFile.  Usually Prompt should end with
  a space, for example, -bprompt "HW 1> "..

-prompt Prompt  or  -p Prompt
  Sets the non-batch command line prompt.  Usually Prompt should end
  with a space, for example, -prompt "Next? ".  This becomes the default
  prompt the will be set by setoptions(default:T).  See topics
  setoptions(), 'options'.

-help helpFile  or  -h helpFile
  Help information will be taken from file helpFile rather than the
  default help file.

-data dataFile  or  -d dataFile
  Pre-defined CHARACTER variable DATAFILE will have "dataFile" as value
  instead of a default value.  DATAFILE is used by pre-defined macro
  getdata() to make it easy to read data from a standard file.  See
  topic getdata().

-macro macroFile  or  -m macroFile   (only -macro in Motif version)
  "macroFile" will be added to the beginning of Pre-defined CHARACTER
  variable MACROFILES.  This will mean that pre-defined macro
  getmacros() will search the file before the standard macro files.  You
  can accomplish the same thing after starting MacAnova by
  addmacrofile("macroFile").  See topics getmacros() and addmacrofile().

-open windowFile (Motif and Windows versions only)
  Load the contents of windowFile into the first command-output window
  created, as if Open were selected on the File menu.  No startup
  message printed.

              Path Options for Unix/Linux and DOS versions
-home homePath
  Predefined CHARACTER variables HOME will have "homePath" as value
  instead of a default value.  HOME is used to expand file names of the
  form "~/filename".  For instance, when HOME is "dataDir", "~/filename"
  is expanded to "dataDir/fileName".  See topic 'files'.

-dpath dataPath  or  -dp dataPath
  Predefined CHARACTER variables DATAPATHS and DATAPATH will be set to
  "dataPath" (see topic 'DATAPATHS').  When you attempt to read a file,
  say using vecread(), matread() or macroread(), if it cannot be found
  in the default directory or folder (see 'files'), MacAnova will search
  in the directories or folders in DATAPATHS.  If this option is not
  used, the default is the value of HOME (see -home above) except in
  Motif or Unix/Linux versions where it is the name of an
  installation-dependent standard data directory such as

-mpath macroPath  or  -mp macroPath
  "macroPath" will be added to predefined CHARACTER vector DATAPATHS
  See topic 'DATAPATHS' and the discussion of -dpath above.

If any of the file names or path names is not a legal file or path name,
MacAnova immediately terminates.

Even if -data, -macro, -home, -dpath or -mpath are used, the default
values of DATAFILE, MACROFILES and DATAPATHS can be changed in your
startup file (see topic 'customize').  The help file can be changed by
help(file:FileName) which can also be in the startup file.  See help().

         Screen Options for Unix/Linux and DOS/Windows versions
-l Nlines
  This pre-defines option 'height' to be Nlines, where Nlines is either
  0 or an integer at least 5.  See subtopic 'options:"height"'.

-w Ncols
  This pre-defines option 'width' to be Ncols, where Ncols is an integer
  at least 20.  See subtopic 'options:"width"'.

On the Windows and Motif versions and any non-windowed version for which
line editing is available (Unix/Linux and the DOS extended memory
version, DJGPP) the following additional command line flag is available.

-history Nhist or -hist Nhist
  This pre-defines option 'history' to be Nhist, an integer >= 0.  This
  limits the number of previous command lines that can be saved and
  recalled to Nhist.  The default value is 100.  See subtopic
  'options:"history", topics 'dos_windows', 'wx', 'unix'.

On the Motif version, it may be necessary to introduce a delay before
displaying a graph to avoid frequent crashes.  The length of the delay
is determined by option 'plotdelay' (see 'options:plotdelay').  The
following additional command line option can be helpful.

-plotdelay n
  This sets the default value of option 'plotdelay' to n milliseconds.

See also topics 'quitting', 'customize'.

Gary Oehlert 2003-01-15