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hpolar(hx [,unwind:F or crit:val]), hx a REAL matrix representing
  complex data with Hermitian symmetry, val a REAL scalar,
  0.5 < val <= 1

Keywords: time series, complex arithmetic
hpolar(hx) computes the polar form of the packed Hermitian matrix hx,
storing it in pseudo packed Hermitian form, with the amplitude or
absolute value as the real part and the phase as imaginary part.  Thus
hreal(hpolar(hx)) and himag(hpolar(hx)) return REAL matrices whose
columns are the amplitudes and phases of the complex series represented
by the columns of hx.  See topic 'complex' for information on complex
matrices in MacAnova.

The value of the computed phase is in radians, degrees or cycles
depending on the value of option 'angles'.  See subtopic
'options:"angles"'.  By default the phase is "unwound" so as to minimize
discontinuities arising from wrap-around.

hpolar(hx,crit:Val), where .5 <= Val < 1 changes the criterion
controlling "unwinding".  The default is .75.  See unwind() for details.

hpolar(hx,unwind:F) suppresses the unwinding.

See also cpolar(), crect(), hrect().

Gary Oehlert 2003-01-15