Statistics 5601 (Geyer, Fall 2003) Examples: Sign Test


General Instructions

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The Sign Test

Example 3.5 in Hollander and Wolfe.

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The Associated Point Estimate (Median)

Example 3.6 in Hollander and Wolfe.

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The Associated Confidence Interval

Example 3.6 in Hollander and Wolfe.

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The Zero Fudge

Many authorities recommend (at least lukewarmly) the following procedure for dealing with zero differences (differences equal to the hypothesized value μ if not zero) in the sign test. After defining the vector z of differences, do

z <- z[z != mu]
n <- length(z)

which treates zero differences as if they were not part of the data (and the sample size is reduced accordingly).

The best that can be said for this is

The alternative to the zero fudge, what Hollander and Wolfe call the conservative approach is to count the zero differences as evidence in favor of the null hypothesis. This is a bit tricky, since no matter how you do it, the recipe for the test must be altered.

For the lower tailed test, assuming the vector of differences z, the sample size n, and the hypothesisized value of the median mu have already been defined,

b <- sum(z >= mu)
pbinom(b, n, 1 / 2)

calculates the P-value for the lower-tailed test. Note that we need the weak inequality (>=) to include the zero differences in the tail area calculated by the following statement.

Reversing the inquality gives the conservative upper-tailed test.

blow <- sum(z <= mu)
pbinom(blow, n, 1 / 2)

Note that this isn't the test statistic described in the book, but obviously does the right thing by symmetry.