University of Minnesota, Twin Cities     School of Statistics     Stat 5601     Rweb

Statistics 5601 (Geyer) General Information

Class Time and Place

Some classes will be held in a computer lab

Which classes will be held Vincent 2 and which in Ford B53 will be announced in class and on the announcements section of the course home page.


Teaching Assistant


We will be tentatively covering the following chapters and sections of these books
Book Ch. or Sec.
Hollander and Wolfe Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Section 5.5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Section 11.5
Section 11.6
Efron and Tibshirani Chapters 1-5 Review
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 22

Looking at the table above, it is obviously too much material to cover in a semester. We won't and can't cover all of every chapter listed above. So what this table is mainly good for is showing what will be omitted entirely (anything not on the list above).


About the Course

Don't Get Lost

Ask questions in class. If something isn't clear to you, it probably isn't clear to others either. Most questions arise because the instructor hasn't made a connection clear or has inadvertently left out an important point. Your question gives the instructor a chance to explain more clearly.

If you have difficulty with problems, ask for help from the instructor or TA. Don't wait until just before the exam (or worse just after) to ask for help. By then it may be too late.


The material covered by the exams will stated in class and on the course home page.

The current intention is that exams will be held in the computer lab (Ford B53). You will have the computer, the course web pages, all the on-line help for the R computer language. They will also be open book.

Missed Exams

University policy is that midterm and final exams can be made up for legitimate absences, such as verified illness, participation in other University-sponsored activities, jury duty, military service, religious observances. If you must miss an exam, make arrangements in advance. Talk to the instructor before or after class or during office hours to make arrangements. If you find you will miss an exam without having made arrangements, call the instructor (612-625-8511) or, if he is not in, call the department office (612-625-8046) and leave a message. Do this before the time of the exam.


University and department policy is that "I" grades are used only when there is a small amount of unfinished work that the student can complete on his or her own before the end of the following quarter, when there was a legitimate excuse why the work could not be done on time, and when arrangements have been made with the instructor as to when the work will be done. "I" grades are not given when there is a large amount of work undone and the student would need to attend the class in the next quarter to learn the material.


Homework assignments will be assigned in class and on the homework assignments web page. They are due in class on the day assigned. But they will be accepted without penalty until 3:00 pm on the day they are due or until the TA picks them up from the professor. After that they will be accepted up to two weeks late for 50% credit.

Working together in groups on homework is not only permitted, even encouraged, but each student must do his or her own write-up of the solutions and fully understand them. Talking about problems with other people does help in learning, but just getting solutions doesn't.

Office Hours

They are there for your benefit. If you are having difficulty, please come see the teaching assistants or instructor or both during office hours to get help. If you cannot come to the regularly scheduled office hours, make arrangements after the lecture or lab to see us some other time. Or you can just phone and see if we are available.


to be announced

It Isn't Over Until It's Over

There is a natural tendency to slack off after the second midterm, especially if you are doing well up to that point. Please, don't give in to it. About half the final exam covers material that is new since the second midterm. If you don't keep working hard the last few weeks, it can really hurt your grade. It seems to happen to several people every quarter. Don't let it happen to you.

Disabled Students

In conjunction with University of Minnesota Disability Services we will ensure equal learning opportunities for disabled students. Talk to the instructor and Disability Services to make arrangements.