;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; Permutation tests for any method in the inverse-regression-model-proto. ;;;;;; Written by Dennis Cook. ;;;;;; Version 0.98, May 15, 2000 ;;;;;; ;;;;;; After loading the code and setting up an inverse regression, sir, save, ;;;;;; phd, ..., a new Permutation Tests item appears in the model menu. ;;;;;; Selecting that item and supplying a number of permutations results in ;;;;;; permutation tests for dimension as output. The tests are used in the ;;;;;; same way as the tests for sir or phd. Computations may take several minutes ;;;;;; if the data set or the number of permutations is large. ;;;;;; ;;;;;; Seems to work OK with deleted observations and/or weights. At present ;;;;;; the response is always permuted even if using pHd with residuals. ;;;;;; ;;;;;; Reference: Cook, R. D. and Yin, X. (2000). Dimension Reduction and ;;;;;; Visualization in Discriminant Analysis. Australia/New Zealand Journal ;;;;;; of Statistics, to appear. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (rc-menu-item 'permutation-test-menu-item "Permutation tests" :perm-test) (defparameter *inverse-regression-menu-items* (list 'display-sir-menu-item 'plot-sir-directions-menu-item 'permutation-test-menu-item 'remove-model-menu-item)) (defmeth inverse-regression-model-proto :perm-test-pvals (B &key (num-lc *ir-num-lc*)) "Method args: ((B &key (num-lc *ir-num-lc*)) This is a general permutation test for partial sums of eigenvalues. This version records the counts in the slot 'count for further study. B is the number of permutations. The pvalues are stored in slot 'perm-pvals." (let* ( (method (send self :method)) (numpred (length (send self :basis))) (ntemp (min numpred num-lc)) ;;; ;;; In sir numtests, the number of permutation tests, cannot exceed ;;; the number of slices minus 1 ;;; (numtests (if (equal method :sir) (min ntemp (- (send self :actual-nslices) 1)) ntemp)) ;;; ;;; Store original data set ;;; (inc (which (send self :included))) (n (send self :num-cases)) (ninc (send self :num-included)) (evs (send self :eigenvalues)) (ux0 (send self :x)) (ux (send self :dirs)) (uy (send self :y)) (wts (send self :weights)) ;;; ;;; Initialize lists of counts and p-values. Power is the power to which the eigenvalues ;;; are raised before adding. Power=1 for SIR and SAVE but power=2 for pHd and perhaps ;;; future methods. power=1 by default. To set power=2 for a method and the method in ;;; the case function below. ;;; (count (repeat (list (repeat nil 1)) numtests)) (pvals (repeat nil numtests)) (power 1) pan ) (case method ((:PHD :PHDY) (setf power 2)) (t)) ;;; ;;; A friendly message ;;; (format t "Calculating, please be patient...~%") ;;; ;;; Set weights to 1 for use in testing ;;; ;;; (send self :weights nil) ;;; ;;; Start the main permutation loop. B = no of permutations. Only the included ;;; cases are permutated in the second statement of the main loop. Pan is the list of ;;; permuted indices. ;;; (dotimes (i B) (setf pan (iseq n)) (setf (select pan inc) (sample inc ninc)) (send self :x ux) (send self :y (select uy pan)) (setf (nth 0 count) (append (nth 0 count) (list (sum (^ (send self :eigenvalues) power))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Weights if present are assumed to be a function of X only, as would be the case when ;;; using weights from the Reweight-for-Symmetry command. Under the null ;;; hypothesis of d dimensions, the weights stay with the permuted ;;; d predictors (X_d) since the weighting doesn't matter for the last p-d ;;; unpermuted perdictors that are independent of Y given X_d under the hypothesis. ;;; (if wts (send self :weights (select wts pan))) ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Next, Loop thru the predictors (dirs) ;;; (dotimes (j (- numtests 1)) (let* ( (k (+ j 1)) (u (copy-list ux)) ) (setf (nth j u) (select (nth j u) pan)) (send self :x u) (setf (nth k count) (append (nth k count) (list (sum (select (^ (send self :eigenvalues) power) (iseq k (- numpred 1))) )))) ))) ;;; ;;; Remove the initial nils in count ;;; (setf count (mapcar #'rest count)) ;;; ;;; Return data set to original state. ;;; (send self :x ux0) (send self :y uy) (send self :weights wts) ;;; ;;; Calculate p-values ;;; (dotimes (i numtests) (setf (nth i pvals) (/ (length (which (< (sum (^ (select evs (iseq i (- numpred 1))) power)) (nth i count)))) B)) ) ;;; ;;; Add slots ;;; (send self :add-slot 'perm-pvals pvals) (send self :add-slot 'count count) (list pvals power))) (defmeth inverse-regression-model-proto :perm-test () "Method args: () Retruns the permutation tests after calling :perm-test-pvals" (let* ( (B (let ((ans (get-value-dialog "Number of permutations" :initial 50))) (if ans (first ans) (return-from :perm-test)))) (nobs (send self :num-included)) (var (^ (standard-deviation (send self :sir-y)) 2)) (g 1) ; needed if phd (pvalspower (send self :perm-test-pvals B :num-lc *ir-num-lc*)) (pvals (first pvalspower)) (power (nth 1 pvalspower)) (e (^ (reverse (first (send self :eigen-structure))) power)) (p (length e)) (method (send self :method)) ) (case method ((:PHD :PHDY) (setf g (* .5 (/ var)))) (t)) (send self :description1) (send self :description2) (format t "~%Permutation pvalues for") (format t "~%sums of eigenvalues times ~a" nobs) (format t "~%Number of permutations: ~a~%~%" B) (format t "Number of ~13tTest~30tPermutation~%") (format t "Components ~13tStatistic~32tp-value~%") (dotimes (i (length pvals)) (let* ((a (* nobs (sum (select e (iseq (- p i)))))) (a (* a g)) ) (format t "~4d~12t~11a~32t~5,3f~%" (+ i 1) (optfmt1 a) (nth i pvals)))) )) (defmeth inverse-regression-model-proto :perm-pvalues () "Method args: () Returns the pvalues for the last permutation test; used by sir and save." (if (send self :needs-computing) (send self :compute)) (slot-value 'perm-pvals)) (defmeth inverse-regression-model-proto :perm-test-stats () "Method args: () Returns the permutation test statistics as list of lists ordered on the hypothesis starting with dimension=0. The statistics are the partial sums of eigenvalues eigenvalues squared and are not normalized" (if (send self :needs-computing) (send self :compute)) (slot-value 'count))