Welcome to the TAM Home Page

Gary W. Oehlert

School of Statistics

University of Minnesota

May 2008

TAM stands for "Teaching Assignments Manager". Its job is something like double entry bookkeeping for academics, helping assure that every job is filled and every person is fully assigned. I wrote it because I got tired of making mistakes when I tried to do assignments by hand. I'm making fewer mistakes now, and I hope Tam helps you too.

TAM is currently available for Macintosh and Windows. The current version is 1.1. Source code is also available, so you could compile it for Linux. (I don't have a help file for compiling yet; you would need wxWidgets 2.8.5 or later and some experience compiling programs.)

Tam is not that complicated, and there is help available within the application itself. There is also a link to some documentation below. It's a little out of date (version 1.0 from 2004), but there are very few differences.

Tam is licensed under the GNU General Public License. You may read the license here.

Gary Oehlert 2008-06-01