An Introduction to S and S-PLUS

This is a brief introduction to the S computing language, originally taking one hour of the graduate student orientation at the University of Washington, back when I was a grad student (when there was no web and computing was done with stone tablets and chisels).

The S computing language was invented by a group at Bell Labs (that's why its name is only one letter like C). It still is an active research project at Bell Labs. S is marketed by MathSoft under the name S-PLUS. Although S-PLUS contains extra features added by MathSoft, the core language comes from Bell Labs. The S-PLUS web pages contain some interesting links including an S FAQ.

Table of Contents

Getting In and Out

To get into S-PLUS from a UNIX prompt by issuing the command

There will be some blather about versions and copyrights, then you will get an S-PLUS prompt
Everything you now type until you quit S-PLUS is evaluated by the S language interpreter. To quit S you issue the S command
at an S-PLUS prompt (we won't show the prompts in this intro).

Assignment and Simple S Data Structures

Set a variable x to be 23 and print it to see what it is

  x <- 23  

Same for real values
  x <- 23.1 ; x

  x <- 23e10 ; x
(the semicolon is a statement concatenator. "x <- 23.1" is one S statement and "x" is another. Putting a semicolon in between allows both to be typed on one line.

Make some vectors and try out the types of subscripting S allows

  x <- 1:10 ; x

  y <- c(2,4,11,17) ; y
A vector of positive subscripts selects the corresponding elements
A vector of negative subscripts removes the corresponding elements (selects everything but them)
A vector of logical subscripts selects the elements for which the subscript is TRUE (logical variables have values TRUE or FALSE).
  x[x > 5]        
Note that subscript was indeed a logical vector
  x > 5

Make a matrix and try out subscripts

  x <- matrix(1:16, ncol=4) ; x
Matrix subscripts have two indices (of course). The first index selects rows
The second index selects columns

Data Analysis

Simulate a sample of size n of normal data
  n <- 1000         # sample size

  x <- rnorm(n)     # n standard normal random variates
(Everything from a hash sign # to the end of the line is an S comment.)

Start a device driver. Under HP-UX VUE (Motif flavored X windows) do

Now draw a histogram of the sample
Look at the help for the hist function, by doing either
or starting up that fancy graphical help thingy
and asking for the help on histograms. The help shows the options. For example,
  hist(x, nclass=20) 
makes a histogram with smaller bins, and
  hist(x, nclass=20, main="Normal Random Sample", xlab="")
makes a histogram with a title and the x-axis label blank.

To find the mean and standard deviation



Linear Regression

Make vectors of correlated normal random variables
  mu.x <- mu.y <- 0
  sigma.x <- sigma.y <- 1
  rho <- 0.5
  beta <- rho * sigma.y / sigma.x

  x <- rnorm(n, mu.x, sigma.x)

  y <- mu.y + beta * (x - mu.x) + rnorm(n, 0, sigma.y * sqrt(1 - rho^2))
Is this right? Check that the sample moments are about right (var(x, y) calculates covariances and (cor(x, y) calculates correlations).

Make a scatterplot

Do a linear regression. The result is a list of objects
  fitout <- lsfit(x,y)
names(fitout) gives the names of the components of the list. The component
is the regression coefficients. Are they about right?
does a nice printout of some of the information in the regression output.

Add the regression line to the plot


The S function

does a Q-Q (quantile-quantile) plot of the residuals. This is similar to so-called "normal probability plots", but not exactly the same. The line is straight if the residuals are normal.

Find the fitted values (the predicted y values)

  yhat <- y - c(fitout$residuals)
and plot residuals versus fitted values
  plot(yhat, fitout$resid, xlab="Fitted Values", ylab="Residuals")

Make y a nonlinear function of x plus normal noise, for example,

  y <- x - 0.25 * x^2 + rnorm(n,0,0.5)
Redo the whole analysis above. Is anything noticeable in the plots?

Try putting a smooth through the scatterplot.



Writing Functions in S

Every "command" in S is a function. Even if it has no arguments, it is still a function, and its name is followed by an empty argument list in parentheses. That's why we say q() rather than just q to get out of S. We are invoking the function q with no arguments.

To use an S function give the name with parentheses

Every S function is also just an S dataset. It is a dataset that happens also to be a function. If we type the function name without the parentheses we get the definition of the function, for example,

Functions are defined using the function keyword

  square <- function(x) x^2
defines a very simple function that just squares its input.

The function that takes x (the argument) to x^2 (the result) is assigned to the name "square". The value returned by a function is the value of the last expression evaluated, here the only expression, x^2. This behavior is sometimes confusing. You may use the return keyword to explicitly indicate the returned value

  square <- function(x) return(x^2)
if you prefer.

Try it out. Note that "square" like many S functions operates elementwise on a whole vector or matrix.



  square(matrix(1:16, ncol=4))
Note that "x" is a dummy argument in the definition of "square". It has nothing to do with the variable "x" assigned previously.

Quiz: Try to write a function "mad" that calculates the median absolute deviation (MAD) of a vector, the median of the absolute deviations from the median. (There is a built-in function "median" that finds medians and a built-in function "abs" that takes absolute values.)


Make a sample from a contaminated normal distribution, 90% Normal(0,1) random variable and 10% normal(0,3).
  n <- 20

  x <- ifelse(runif(n) > 0.10, rnorm(n), rnorm(n,0,3))
See the help for ifelse and runif if this doesn't make sense. What's an easier way to do this?

Try out several estimates of location: the mean, the median, the 20 per cent trimmed mean (the mean of the middle 80 per cent of the sample), and the Hodges-Lehmann estimator (the median of the pairwise averages. S has functions to do all but the last. Define a function "hle" to do that.

  hle <- function(x) {
    tmp <- outer(x, x, "+") / 2
    median(tmp[row(tmp) <= col(tmp)])
Try them


  mean(x, trim=0.1)

The actual center of the population is 0. Which estimator does best?

make a matrix of 50 samples of size 20 (samples are rows)

  x <- matrix(ifelse(runif(1000) > 0.10, rnorm(n), rnorm(n,0,3)), ncol=20)
Apply all of the estimators to all of the samples
  estimates.mean <- apply(x, 1, "mean")

  estimates.median <- apply(x, 1, "median")

  estimates.trim <- apply(x, 1, "mean", trim=0.1)

  estimates.hle <- apply(x, 1, "hle")
Compare the mean square error of the estimates




What happens if there is more contamination or the contamination has a larger variance? What if x has an entirely different distribution? Try the Cauchy distribution

  x <- matrix(rcauchy(1000), ncol=20)
or the slash distribution
  x <- matrix(rnorm(1000) / runif(1000), ncol=20)
Try plotting the sampling distributions of the estimators to see what they look like.
Author: Charles Geyer ( Comments or corrections gratefully accepted.