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addlines([Graph,] x,y [,linetype:PosInt,thickness:PosReal] [,impulse:T]\
   [,other graphics keyword phrases])
addlines([Graph] [,x,y], keys:str), str a structure whose
  components names match graphics keywords.

Keywords: plotting
addlines(x,y) is equivalent to lineplot(x,y,add:T).  It displays the
plot in LASTPLOT, adding lines such as are produced by lineplot(), and
updates LASTPLOT with the new information.

Arguments x, and y are as for lineplot().  They can be replaced by a
structure with at least two REAL components.  Any components beyond the
first two are ignored.  It is not an error when x or y is NULL; no
plotting occurs.

It is an error if LASTPLOT does not exist.

When 'dumbplot' has been set False (see subtopic 'options:"dumbplot"'),
the plot will be a low resolution plot unless 'dumb:F' is an argument.

addlines(Graph,x,y) or lineplot(Graph,x,y,add:T) displays GRAPH variable
Graph with the addition of lines connecting points specified by x and
y, saving the modified plot in LASTPLOT.  Graph is not changed (unless
it is LASTPLOT).

addlines(x,y,keep:F) (or lineplot(x,y,keep:F,add:T)) suppresses any
change to LASTPLOT.

addlines(x,y,show:F) (or lineplot(x,y,show:F,add:T)) suppresses
immediate display of the modified graph but updates LASTPLOT.  This is
useful when you are building a complex graph in stages using addlines(),
addchars(), addstrings(), or addpoints().  When you are done, simply
type showplot().  You can't use both show:F and keep:F.

You can use keywords 'linetype' and 'thickness' to control the type of
lines used (solid, dashed, etc.).  See topic 'graph_keys'.

Keywords 'dumb', 'lines', 'impulse', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax',
'logx', 'logy', 'xlab', 'ylab', 'title', 'xaxis', 'yaxis', 'borders',
'ticks', 'xticks', 'yticks', 'xticklen', 'yticklen', 'xticklabs',
'yticklabs', 'height', 'width', 'pause', 'silent' and 'notes' may be
used as for other plotting commands.  See topics 'graph_keys',
'graph_border' and 'graph_ticks'

addlines([Graph,] keys:structure(x:x,y:y [other keyword phrases)) is
equivalent to addlines([Graph,] x:x,y:y [other keyword phrases]).  See
topic 'graph_keys' for details.

A value of MISSING for any of xmin, xmax, ymin or ymax (for example,
xmin:?) forces determination of a value from the current data and data
already in the graph.

New labels and title may be set only by keywords 'xlab', 'ylab' and

addlines(x,y,add:F, ...) is equivalent to lineplot(x,y, ...).

See topic 'graph_assign' for information on another way to add data and
other information to a plot.

See topic 'graphs' for general information on plots and on variable
LASTPLOT.  See topic 'graph_keys' for information on keywords.  See
topic 'graph_files' for information on writing a graph to a file.

Gary Oehlert 2003-01-15