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y <- console()

Keywords: files, input
y <- console() uses a pre-defined macro to read a vector using variable
CONSOLE as the filename.  This results in a request to type the data in,
terminating it with '!'.  This has the advantage over y <- vector(1.3,
4.5, 6.7, 2.5, ... ), say, in that the commas do not need to be typed.
Variable CONSOLE can be used with any operation that reads or writes a
file.  Its value is ignored.

Command vecread() is used by console() so you can use '?' to specify
missing data.

On a Macintosh, you enter data into a dialog box.  Pressing Return or
clicking on the OK button ends a line.  The Done button terminates the

y <- console(echo:F) suppresses any echoing of lines read.  Such echoing
is the default behavior on a Macintosh, or when using console() in a
batch file on any system.

See vecread().

Gary Oehlert 2003-01-15