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loadUser(fileName [,reload:T or clear:T]), CHARACTER scalar fileName.

Keywords: user functions, loading
loadUser(FileName) loads a user function (separately compiled routine)
into MacAnova.  FileName should be a quoted string or CHARACTER scalar
giving the name of the file containing the user function to be loaded.
Once loaded, a user function can be executed by function User().  As
usual, in windowed versions (Macintosh, Windows, Motif), FileName can be
"".  If the file has been previously loaded, it is not reloaded, but it
may be put at the start of the entry search list for the next use of

loadUser(FileName, reload:T) does the same, except that the file will be
reloaded, even if it has been previously loaded into MacAnova.

loadUser(FileName, clear:T) does the same, except all previously loaded
files will be forgotten.

On some systems, the user function can be written in Fortran, although
some features such as call back functions and argument checking may not
be available.

Functions loadUser() and User() are inherently specific to a particular
computer system although it is possible to write user functions that can
be compiled on multiple systems without change.

  FileName must be the name of a shared library.
  FileName must be the name of a DLL.
Protected mode DOS (DJGPP):
  FileName must be the name of a dxe file.
  FileName must be the name of a file containing one or more code
  resources.  The PPC version of MacAnova can call both 68K and PPC code
  resources, but a 68K version of MacAnova can call only 68K code
  resources.  Resource types must be one of 'MVPP' (PPC), 'MV6n' (68K
  without coprocessor) or 'MV6c' (68K with coprocessor).

See also topics User() and user_fun.  Type userfunhelp(User) or

Gary Oehlert 2003-01-15