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rsolve(A, B [,quiet:T]), A a square REAL matrix, B a REAL matrix,
  nrows(A) = ncols(B).

Keywords: linear algebra
rsolve(a, b) computes the solution x to the system of linear equations
x a = b, where a is a REAL square matrix and b is a REAL matrix with
ncols(b) = nrows(a).  rsolve(a, b) produces the same result as
solve(a',b')', and is mathematically but not computationally equivalent
to b %*% solve(a).

If a is singular, an informative message is printed and the operation

MISSING values are not allowed in a or b.

When a has labels, the row and column labels of rsolve(a,b) are the row
labels of b and respectively.  If b does not have labels, the rowlabels
of solve(a,b) are rep("a", nrows(b).  See topic 'labels'.

Expression b %/% a is equivalent to rsolve(a, b).

Occasionally, "overflow" occurs during the computation.  Any values in
the result that are too large to be represented are replaced by MISSING
and a WARNING message is printed.  You can suppress the message by
including 'quiet:T' as an argument.  If you do, you should use
anymissing() to check the result for the presence of MISSING elements.

See also solve(), swp().

Gary Oehlert 2003-01-15