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round(x [, ndec]), x REAL or a structure with REAL components, ndec an

Keywords: transformations
round(x) rounds the elements of the REAL variable x to the nearest
integer, producing a vector, matrix, or array with the same shape as x.

round(x,n) where n is an integer is equivalent to 10^(-n)*round(x*10^n).
If n > 0, this rounds to n decimal places.  If n < 0, this rounds to the
nearest multiple of 10^abs(n).  round(x,0) is equivalent to round(x).

If x is a structure, so is round(x) or round(x,n).  If xi is the i-th
component of x, the i-th component of round(x) or round(x,n) is
round(xi) or round(xi,n).

Example: round(3141.593,2) is 3141.59 and round(3141.593,-2) is 3100,
the nearest multiple of 100 = 10^2.

round(x, p) can also be used when x is a CHARACTER variable and p, if
present, is a quoted string or CHARACTER scalar or REAL scalar.  The
result is a CHARACTER variable of the same shape as x describing the
transformation.  For example, both round(vector("X1","X2"),3) and
round(vector("X1","X2"),"3") return vector("round(X1,3)","round(X2,3)").
Any element of x that is "" or starts with '@', '(', '[', '{', '<', '/'
or '\' is not modified.  This can be useful for creating labels for a
transformed variable.

See also topics floor(), ceiling(), 'structures', 'labels'.

Gary Oehlert 2003-01-15