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makecols(x,var1,var2, ... [,keyword phrases]), where x is a REAL matrix,
  var1, var2, ...  unquoted or quoted variable names
makecols(x,vector("var1","var2", ... ) [,keyword phrases])
makecols(x [,keyword phrases]), x a REAL matrix with labels.
makecols(charx,var1,var2, ... [,keyword phrases]), charx a CHARACTER
  scalar or vector
makecols(charx,vector("var1","var2", ... ) [,keyword phrases])
makecols(charx [,keyword phrases]), first line of charx containing
  variable names
Keyword phrases are factors:facVec, nomissing:T, quiet:T or silent:T,
  facVec a LOGICAL vector or vector of positive integers

Keywords: combining variables
makecols(x,name_1,...,name_k), where x is a REAL matrix and name_1, ...,
name_k are unquoted or quoted variable names, creates new REAL vectors
name_1, name_2, ... from the columns of x.

You can think of makecols() as a sort of inverse to hconcat().  If a
name which is not a quoted string is the name of an existing variable,
only the name is used, not the value of variable.  A report is printed
of the variables created.

It's OK for the number of names to differ from the number of columns in
x.  When there are more names than columns, the extras are ignored.
When there are more columns than names, the final columns are ignored.

makecols(x,vector("name_1","name_2",...,"name_k") [keyword phrases]) is
an alternative usage.

makecols(x,name_1,...,name_k, factors:facVec) does the same, but
specifies that some of the columns of x are to be saved as factors.
facVec can be a vector of positive integer column numbers or a LOGICAL
vector of length k.  When facVec contains integers, they are the columns
of x to be saved as factors.  When facVec is LOGICAL, column i of x is
saved as a factor only if facVec[i] is True.  For example, when x has 4
columns, both makecols(x,a,b,c,y,factor:run(3)) and makecols(x,a,b,c,y,
factor:vector(T,T,T,F) saves columns 1, 2 and 3 of x as factors a, b and
c and column 4 of x as REAL vector y.

You can use keyword 'factors' with any other keyword.

makecols(charx,name_1,...,name_k), where charx is a CHARACTER scalar or
vector does the same, except the data to be saved is obtained as
vecread(string:charx, fields:T) (see subtopic vecread:"reading_from_

makecols(charx) does the same, provided the first line of CHARACTER
scalar or vector charx consists of a list of legal MacAnova names.

An important special case of a CHARACTER first argument is
makecols(CLIPBOARD, name_1, ... [,factors:TorFvec).  You could use this
when you have copied a data matrix to the clipboard, perhaps in a spread
sheet program.  makecols(CLIPBOARD [,factors:TorFvec[) would be
appropriate when the first line of the selection copied contained column
headings to be used as variable names.  See topic 'CLIPBOARD'.

makecols(x,name_1,...,name_k,quiet:T) does the same, except no report is

makecols(x,name_1,...,name_k,silent:T) does the same, except nothing is
printed, not even warning messages.

'quiet:T' and 'silent:T' can always be used, no matter how names are

makecols(x,name_1,...,name_k,nomissing:T) does the same except any
MISSING values are removed from the variables created.  If all the
elements in a column of x are MISSING, the corresponding variable is
NULL.  A warning message is printed unless 'silent:T' is an argument.

'nomissing:T' can always be used, no matter how names are specified.

makecols(x), with no names provided, is legal when x has labels.  It is
equivalent to makecols(x,getlabels(x2)), and creates variables using the
column labels as names.  See topics 'labels', getlabels().

The first argument can also be a CHARACTER scalar or vector such as
CLIPBOARD; see below.

  Cmd> makecols(x, x1, x2, x3, x4)
  Cmd> makecols(x,"x1","x2","x3","x4")
  Cmd> makecols(x, vector("x1","x2","x3","x4"), quiet:T)

These all create vectors x1, x2, x3 and x4 from the first 4 columns of
x.  All but the last print a report that these vectors were created

  Cmd> makecols(x, x1, x2, x3, x4, nomissing:T,silent:T)

This does the same except x1, ..., x4 will have no MISSING values, with
no report and any warning messages suppressed.

  Cmd> makecols(data,a,b,c,y,factors:run(3))

  Cmd> makecols(data,a,b,c,y,factors:vector(T,T,T,F)

These both save columns 1, 2 and 3 of data as factors a, b and c and
column 4 as vector y.

  Cmd> makecols(vector("1 2","3 4"),x,y)# makecols(" 1 2\n 3 4", x, y)
  Cmd> makecols(vector("x y","1 2","3 4"))# makecols("x y\n 1 2\n 3 4")

These both create vectors x and y of length 2 by "reading" the CHARACTER
first argument.

makecols() is implemented as a pre-defined macro.

See also topics readcols(), clipreaddata(), hconcat().

Gary Oehlert 2003-01-15