--- title: "Stat 3701 Lecture Notes: Statistical Models" author: "Charles J. Geyer" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`" output: html_document: number_sections: true mathjax: "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.0/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML" pdf_document: number_sections: true --- # License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/). # R * The version of R used to make this document is `r getRversion()`. * The version of the `rmarkdown` package used to make this document is `r packageVersion("rmarkdown")`. * The version of the `jsonlite` package used to make this document is `r packageVersion("jsonlite")`. * The version of the `MASS` package used to make this document is `r packageVersion("MASS")`. * The version of the `mgcv` package used to make this document is `r packageVersion("mgcv")`. # Statistical Models of the R Kind Statistical models come in two kinds, those that R calls models and those it doesn't. (Have you heard the joke: there are two kinds of people in this world, those who divide everything into two kinds, and those who don't? Or its geek version: there are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who know binary and those who don't?) What R calls statistical models are fit by functions that work like the R function `lm` in many ways, make assumptions that are like those for linear models in many ways, and use many of the same generic functions to process their output, including `summary`, `predict`, and `anova`. Of course these models are not *exactly* like linear models. They have to be different in *some* ways. But they are similar enough for some of the intuitions to carry over and some of the ways of working with models to carry over. ## Regression Models Linear models are a special case of "regression" models. They make the following assumptions. * The data can be put in a data frame. * The rows are *cases*, also called *individuals*. The columns are *variables*. * One variable is special: the *response*. All other variables are called *predictors*. * The job of *regression* is to estimate the conditional distribution of the response given the predictors for each case. If $y_i$ is the response for case $i$, and $x_i$ and $z_i$ are the predictors for case $i$, then the job is to estimate the conditional distribution of $y_i$ given $x_i$ and $z_i$. For those who have not had a theory course and don't know what a conditional distribution is, it is just a probability distribution like any other probability distribution --- given by a probability mass function (PMF) if the response is a discrete random variable or by a probability density function (PDF) if the response is a continuous random variable --- except that the parameters of the distribution are allowed to depend on the conditioning variables. The conditional distribution of the response given the predictors depends on what the values of the predictors are. If you imagine new data (not part of the data used to fit the model), in which you do not get to see the response $y_i$ for this new case but do get to see the predictors (say $x_i$ and $z_i$), then the estimated conditional distribution allows *predictions* about $y_i$ given the values of $x_i$ and $z_i$. There can be as many predictor variables as you like. There is only one response variable. (Exception: the R function `mlm` does linear models with *vector* response, but we won't talk about that.) You can even make up new predictor variables from old ones. * In polynomial regression, starting with predictors $x_i$ and $z_i$, one can make up + quadratic predictors $x_i^2$ and $x_i z_i$ and $z_i^2$ + cubic predictors $x_i^3$ and $x_i^2 z_i$ and $x_i z_i^2$ and $z_i^3$ + and so forth for higher order polynomials. * In regression with a categorical predictor vector $x$ (what R calls a `factor`) one must make up *dummy variables*. + If $x$ has $k$ categories, then there are dummy variables $d_1$, $d_2$, $\ldots,$ $d_k$. + A dummy variable is zero-or-one valued (an *indicator* variable). + The component of $d_j$ for case $i$ is equal to one if the value of $x_i$ is the $j$-th category (in R `levels(x)[j]`). + If there is an *intercept* in the regression, then one of the dummy variables is "dropped" (left out of the model). Otherwise, there would be *collinearity* (and not all *coefficients* could be estimated). * The *intercept* variable (if present) is itself a "made up" predictor. It is the vector all of whose components are equal to one. * In general one can make up arbitrary predictors. Starting with a variable $x$ one can make up $g_1(x)$, $g_2(x)$, $g_3(x)$ and so forth, where $g_1$ and $g_2$ and $g_3$ are *arbitrary* functions that act vectorwise. The regression equation is $$ \theta_i = m_{i 1} \beta_1 + m_{i 2} \beta_2 + \cdots + m_{i p} \beta_p $$ where $\theta_i$ is some parameter (more on this later), the betas are unknown parameters to estimate (called the *coefficients* of the model). And each $m_{i j}$ is the value of some predictor variable (either originally given or made-up) for case $i$. If we are sophisticated we think of $m_{i j}$ as as the components of a matrix $M$. Then the regression equation above can be rewritten as a matrix-vector equation $$ \theta = M \beta $$ If there are $n$ cases and $p$ coefficients, then * the dimension of $\theta$ is $n$, * the dimension of $\beta$ is $p$, * the dimension of $M$ is $n$ by $p$ ($n$ rows and $p$ columns) The matrix $M$ is called the *model matrix* by some and the *design matrix* by others. But the name *design matrix* does not make much sense when the data do not come from a designed experiment, although this does not stop the people who like the term from using it for observational studies. Also R uses only the term *model matrix* in its documentation and in the name of the function `model.matrix` that turns R formulas into model matrices. So we will always say *model matrix*. Weisberg makes a useful distinction. He calls the originally given predictor variables *predictors*, just like I have. He calls the columns of the model matrix *regressors*. This is shorter than and sounds more scientific than "either originally given or made-up predictors". You know all of this from STAT 3032. This is just a reminder. ## Linear Models (LM) In order to know what stays the same and what changes, we briefly review linear models (those fit by the R function `lm`). Their assumptions are as follows. * The parameter in the regression equation is the mean so we rewrite it $$ \mu = M \beta $$ * The components of the response vector are conditionally independent given the predictors. * The conditional distributions of the components of the response vector given the predictors are *normal* and the variance does not depend on the predictors. If the response vector is $y$, then the conditional distribution of $y_i$ given the predictors is $$ \text{Normal}(\mu_i, \sigma^2) $$ * the unknown parameters to be estimated are the regression coefficients (betas) and $\sigma^2$. You may be in the habit of thinking of the regression equation as $$ y = M \beta + e $$ or written out in long form $$ y_i = m_{i 1} \beta_1 + m_{i 2} \beta_2 + \cdots + m_{i p} \beta_p + e_i $$ where $e$ is "error". If so, forget that. That formulation does not generalize to so-called "generalized linear models". The description above does generalize. Let's do a toy example, just to make the abstractions above concrete. ```{r} foo <- read.table("http://www.stat.umn.edu/geyer/5102/data/ex5-4.txt", header = TRUE) names(foo) sapply(foo, class) levels(foo$color) ``` Suppose we want to fit parallel regression lines, regressing `y` on `x` for each color. ```{r} lout <- lm(y ~ x + color, data = foo) summary(lout) ``` It will be easier to work with if we do not have an intercept, in which case R will not drop one dummy variable for `color` and the fitted model will be the same in the sense that it makes the same predictions about the conditional distribution of the response given the predictors, although the coefficients will change. ```{r} lout <- lm(y ~ 0 + x + color, data = foo) summary(lout) ``` Then we plot the results ```{r fig.align='center'} coef <- coefficients(lout) attach(foo) plot(x, y, col = as.character(color)) for (col in levels(color)) { predname <- paste("color", col, sep="") abline(coef[predname], coef["x"], col = col) } detach(foo) ``` But that wasn't what we really wanted to illustrate. Where is the model matrix and the response vector. We don't see them. But we can! ```{r} lout <- lm(y ~ 0 + x + color, data = foo, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) # model matrix lout$x # response vector lout$y ``` If we ever had a model in which the R formula mini-language --- the mini-language whose interpreter is the R function `model.matrix` and whose documentation is `?formula` --- is inadequate to describe the model matrix, then we can always just construct the response vector and model matrix without using a formula and tell `lm` to use them. ```{r} m <- as.matrix(lout$x) ### strip attributes y <- as.vector(lout$y) ### strip names lout.too <- lm(y ~ 0 + m) summary(lout.too) ``` We need the `0 +` because the "intercept" regressor is already in `m`. Except for changing the names of the coefficients by pasting `"m"` on the front, everything is the same. ```{r} identical(as.vector(coefficients(lout)), as.vector(coefficients(lout.too))) ``` ## Generalized Linear Models (GLM) ### Introduction In generalized linear models we drop the normal distribution of the response given the predictors. We even drop the assumption that this distribution is continuous. It works for discrete response. * In LM the response must be continuous, but the predictors can be anything (categorical predictors get turned into dummy variables). * In GLM the response can be discrete or continuous. * The R function `glm` fits GLM. * The families that are allowed for the conditional distribution of response given predictor are documented on `?family`. The two most important are `binomial` and `poisson`. * The regression equation has the general form $$ \theta = M \beta $$ where $\theta_i$ is some parameter (usually not the mean) that specifies the conditional distribution of $y_i$ given the predictors for case $i$ within a specified family. The vector $\theta$ is called the *linear predictor* in GLM parlance. * The relationship between mean values and linear predictor values is given by the *link function*. If $g$ is the link function, then $\theta = g(\mu)$, where the link function $g$ operates vectorwise. + For the binomial family, the default link function is the logit function (pronounced low-jit) + For the poisson family, the default link function is `log` * The components of the response vector are conditionally independent given the predictors. (This assumption is the same for LM and GLM.) R does not have the logit function but we can easily define it. We also define its inverse function. ```{r} logit <- function(p) log(p) - log1p(- p) invlogit <- function(theta) 1 / (1 + exp(- theta)) ``` ### Model Fitting So let's try out GLM with Bernoulli response (a random variable is \emph{Bernoulli} if it is zero-or-one-valued, in other words if it is binomial with sample size one). ```{r} foo <- read.table("http://www.stat.umn.edu/geyer/5102/data/ex6-1.txt", header = TRUE) names(foo) sapply(foo, class) gout <- glm(y ~ x, data = foo, family = binomial) summary(gout) ``` A plot shows what we have done ```{r fig.align='center'} with(foo, plot(x, y)) curve(predict(gout, newdata = data.frame(x = x), type = "response"), add = TRUE) ``` From the plot we see the reason for link function. The curve is the mean of the conditional Bernoulli distribution of $y$ given $x$. It does not look like this relation should be linear. The curve given by the GLM looks reasonable. So whether or not the logit link is exactly the right thing, it is *a lot* more reasonable than the identity link (which would assume means are linear). The R function `glm` does not even allow trying to use identity link here. ### Hypothesis Tests Suppose we try out some polynomial regressions (polynomial on the linear predictor scale). ```{r fig.align='center'} gout2 <- glm(y ~ x + I(x^2), data = foo, family = binomial) summary(gout2) gout3 <- glm(y ~ x + I(x^2) + I(x^3), data = foo, family = binomial) summary(gout3) plot(foo) curve(predict(gout, newdata = data.frame(x = x), type = "response"), add = TRUE) curve(predict(gout2, newdata = data.frame(x = x), type = "response"), add = TRUE, col = "red") curve(predict(gout3, newdata = data.frame(x = x), type = "response"), add = TRUE, col = "blue") legend(1, 1, legend = c("linear", "quadratic", "cubic"), col = c("black", "red", "blue"), lty = 1) ``` Another example of TIMTOWTDI. Different ways to make the same plot. ```{r eval=FALSE} plot(foo$x, foo$y, xlab = "x", ylab = "y") attach(foo); plot(x, y); detach(foo) with(foo, plot(x, y)) plot(foo) ``` (The last only works because the names are `x` and `y`.) As we know from our experience with `lm`, which produces objects of class `"lm"`, and all of the generic functions that have methods for such objects, there are two ways to do hypothesis involving such fits. * If the test involves whether one coefficient should be in or out of the model, we just look at the $P$-values printed by the R function `summary`. If we want to know whether the coefficient for `"I(x^3)"` is statistically significantly different from zero in the fit `gout3`, the $P$-value `r formatC(summary(gout3)$coefficients["I(x^3)", "Pr(>|z|)"], digits=3, format="f")` says it is not. Then, having decided that the quadratic model is to be preferred on grounds of parsimony to the cubic model, we look in the fit of that model to see whether the coefficient for `"I(x^2)"` is statistically significantly different from zero, and the $P$-value `r formatC(summary(gout2)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Pr(>|z|)"], digits=3, format="f")` says it is not. * If the test involves more than one parameter then we use the R function `anova` to do the comparison. And it can do several different, but asymptotically equivalent (meaning they give nearly the same result when the sample size is large). Let's try them. ```{r} anova(gout, gout3, test = "Chisq") anova(gout, gout3, test = "LRT") anova(gout, gout3, test = "Rao") ``` Somewhat bizarrely, `"Chisq"` and `"LRT"` name the same test: the likelihood ratio test (LRT) whose asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis is chi-square with degrees of freedom that is the difference in the number of parameters of the model being tested. The option `"Rao"` names a different test: the Rao test, also called the "score" test, also called the "Lagrange multiplier" test. It asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis is the same as the LRT. * These $P$-values `r formatC(anova(gout, gout3, test="LRT")[2, "Pr(>Chi)"], digits=4, format="f")` and `r formatC(anova(gout, gout3, test="Rao")[2, "Pr(>Chi)"], digits=4, format="f")` would be nearly the same if we were in asymptopia (large sample size territory). They are not because the sample size is not large. * Either of them, though, says that the larger model (the cubic one) fits these data no better than the smaller model (the linear one), hence the latter is preferred on grounds of parsimony. In short * to compare models that differ in one parameter, use the $P$-values given by the R function `summary` or perhaps by the R functions `drop1` and `add1` (which we do not illustrate), and * to compare models that differ in more than one parameter, use the $P$-values given by the R function `anova`. Of course, `anova` compares any two models, even those that differ in one parameter. * Hence one can always use `anova`, but only sometimes use `summary` or `add1` or `drop1`. ### Confidence Intervals Statistical inference for a GLM is slightly different from that for LM in that the sampling distributions of estimators and test statistics are approximate, "large $n$" distributions, where LM has exact $t$ and $F$ distributions, GLM have approximate normal and chi-square distributions. But that is the only difference. Everything else works the same. For an example, here is a confidence interval for the mean for predictor value $x = 25$. ```{r} conf.level <- 0.95 xnew <- 25 crit <- qnorm((1 + conf.level) / 2) pout <- predict(gout, newdata = data.frame(x = xnew), se.fit = TRUE, type = "response") pout$fit + c(-1,1) * crit * pout$se.fit ``` This confidence interval does not work very well. Notice that its upper end point is well above the range of possible values of the parameter (the response vector is zero-or-one-valued so the means range between zero and one). There is nothing wrong with this. The confidence interval is based on "large sample approximation" and our data are not numerous. Still, we can do somewhat better. The "large sample approximation" assumes, among other things, that the inverse link function is approximately linear in the region of the confidence interval, and we can just see from the picture that that's not correct. So if we make a confidence interval for the linear predictor and then map that to the mean value parameter scale, that should be better. At least our new confidence interval will have to be in the range of possible parameter values (because the inverse link function maps in there). ```{r} tout <- predict(gout, newdata = data.frame(x = xnew), se.fit = TRUE) invlogit(tout$fit + c(-1,1) * crit * tout$se.fit) ``` The fact that these two confidence intervals are so different, when "large sample theory" says they are "asymptotically equivalent" (should be very close for large sample sizes) says that "large sample approximation" is not working very well for these data. ## Nonparametric Regression *Nonparametric* refers to statistical models that cannot be described using a finite set of parameters. They are models that are too big to be parametric. There does not seem to be any useful way to be totally nonparametric about regression: to say that there is some relationship between response and predictors and we want to proceed making no assumptions whatsoever. There is just not enough structure to get going. Or at least no one has ever had any idea about how to proceed in this manner AFAIK. So nonparametric regression divides in two: * being parametric about the regression equation but nonparametric about the error distribution and * being nonparametric about the regression equation but being parametric about the error distribution, usually making the same error distribution assumptions as LM or GLM. ### Being Nonparametric About the Error Distribution There isn't a way to be nonparametric about zero-or-one-valued response. A zero-or-one-valued random variable is automatically Bernoulli. So this is about continuous response. In this section we are looking at competitors that make all the same assumptions as LM except they * drop the assumption that the error distribution is homoscedastic (same variance) normal and * instead assume the error distribution is symmetric about zero and the same for all components of the response vector. The normal distribution is symmetric. Hence we have changed normal distribution symmetric about zero into any distribution symmetric about zero. That's nonparametric because "any distribution" is too large a family to be described by a finite set of parameters. Already in the notes about correcting errors in data we tried out two R functions that approach this problem using two different methodologies. Recall that these were the R functions `lqs` and `rlm` both of which are in the R package `MASS`, which is a "recommended" package that comes with every installation of R. Let us make up some data that is a challenge for LM but these functions handle well. First, being a bit bored with "simple" linear regression, let's try means are a cubic function of the predictor. ```{r fig.align='center'} x <- 0:200 mu.true <- x * (x - 100) * (x - 200) * 1e-5 plot(x, mu.true, type = "l", xlab = "x", ylab = expression(mu)) ``` So now we want to add "errors" having a horrible distribution. The worst distribution we know for errors (at least worst for LM) is the Cauchy distribution, which is very heavy tailed. If you have Cauchy errors, and are expecting normal errors, then it looks like there are lots of "outliers". But they aren't mistakes. The errors just have a different distribution. ```{r fig.align='center'} set.seed(42) y <- mu.true + rcauchy(length(x)) plot(x, y) lines(x, mu.true) ``` So now we have some data to try out methods on. But we have a problem. > It's hard to know what lessons you are supposed to draw from a toy problem. > > --- Me We now have to imagine that we don't know how the data were created and just want to do regression. Let's try LM first (even though the data are wildly inappropriate for it, which we aren't supposed to know). ```{r} lout <- lm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 3)) summary(lout) ``` Comparing with the "simulation truth", which of course we are pretending we don't know, this doesn't look good. The true regression function is cubic with coefficients * coefficient of constant term (intercept): 0 * coefficient of first degree term: $(0 \cdot (-100) + 0 \cdot (-200) + (-100) (-200)) \times 10^{-5} = `r 100 * 200 * 1e-5`$ * coefficient of second degree term: $(0 + (-100) + (-200)) \times 10^{-5} = `r ((-100) + (-200)) * 1e-5`$ * coefficient of third degree term: $10^{-5}$. So now let's try the others. ```{r} library(MASS) qout <- lqs(y ~ poly(x, degree = 3)) summary(qout) ``` How annoying! There is no summary method for class `"lqs"` ```{r} qout$coefficients ``` This doesn't seem to have done any better than `lm` in coming close to the simulation truth. (There are a lot of options to play with, but we won't bother.) On to `rlm`. ```{r} rout <- rlm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 3)) summary(rout) ``` I have no idea why none of these "work". Let's look at what they did. ```{r fig.align='center'} plot(x, y) lines(x, mu.true) curve(predict(lout, newdata = data.frame(x = x)), col = "red", add = TRUE) curve(predict(qout, newdata = data.frame(x = x)), col = "blue", add = TRUE) curve(predict(rout, newdata = data.frame(x = x)), col = "green", add = TRUE) ``` Oh. There isn't that much difference. We can't really see very well what is going on with the compressed range of variation of the regression curve. Let's zoom in. ```{r fig.align='center'} plot(x, y, ylim = c(-5, 5)) lines(x, mu.true) curve(predict(lout, newdata = data.frame(x = x)), col = "red", add = TRUE) curve(predict(qout, newdata = data.frame(x = x)), col = "blue", add = TRUE) curve(predict(rout, newdata = data.frame(x = x)), col = "green", add = TRUE) legend(160, 5, legend = c("truth", "lm", "lts", "rlm"), col = c("black", "red", "blue", "green"), lty = 1) ``` I guess we have to say that `rlm` is the winner on this one toy problem, because it is closest to the simulation truth at both ends, whereas `lm` is quite a bit off near $x = 50$ and `lts` (`lqs` using the default method `lts`) is quite a bit off near $x = 150$. But, as said above, it is hard to know what lessons to draw from a toy problem. Let's look at some confidence intervals. ```{r} xxx <- seq(0, 200, 50) # simulation truth mu.true[x %in% xxx] predict(lout, newdata = data.frame(x = xxx), interval = "confidence") ``` Three out of five 95% confidence intervals miss the simulation truth. No surprise because the assumptions for LM are badly violated. The only surprise is that LM doesn't do even worse. The R function `predict.lqs` does not do confidence intervals. We would have to bootstrap or something of the sort to do any inference after using `lqs`. More on the bootstrap later. ```{r} predict(rout, newdata = data.frame(x = xxx), interval = "confidence") ``` The R function `predict.rlm` apparently does confidence intervals, but I say "apparently" because this function is undocumented. When you do `?predict.rlm` you are taken to the help page for the `rlm` function, but nothing is said about the `rlm` method of the generic function `predict`. We managed to use it above by assuming it works just like `predict.lm` when it is just doing predictions (no confidence intervals). If we look at the definition of this function ```{r} getS3method("predict", "rlm") ``` We see something very mysterious. What does `NextMethod` do? It calls the next method for the next class, but what is that? ```{r} class(rout) ``` Oh. The next class is `"lm"`, so it actually calls the function `predict.lm` but with whatever it uses from the object of class `"lm"` is different when the object is made by `rlm`. This is not how to document code IMHO. If you have to [Use the source, Luke!](http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/U/UTSL.html), that's not documentation. ### Being Nonparametric About the Regression Equation #### A Plethora of Packages Now we are back to assuming normal errors, but we want to be nonparametric about the regression function. Suppose in our toy problem we don't know the regression equation is cubic? Since we need normal errors, let's go back and put normal errors on the same simulation truth regression function. ```{r} y <- mu.true + rnorm(length(x)) ``` There are several nonparametric regression functions in the "core" and "recommended" packages that come with every R installation * `smooth.spline` in the `stats` package (core) * `ksmooth` in the `stats` package (core) * `locpoly` in the `KernSmooth` package (recommended) * `gam` in the `mgcv` package (recommended) * `smooth.spline` in the `stats` package (core) * `loess` in the `stats` package (core) * `supsmu` in the `stats` package (core) And there's lots more on CRAN ```{r cache=TRUE} library(jsonlite) foo <- fromJSON("http://crandb.r-pkg.org/-/latest") bar <- lapply(foo, function(x) if(grepl("smooth|kernel|spline", paste(x$Title, x$Description))) x$Package else NULL) bar <- unlist(bar) names(bar) <- NULL length(bar) bar ``` I have no idea how many of these are true positives (really do nonparametric regression). #### R function `smooth.spline` Rather than tackle what is obviously a huge subject. Let's just illustrate one. ```{r fig.align='center'} plot(x, y) lines(x, mu.true) sout <- smooth.spline(x, y, all.knots = TRUE) lines(sout, col = "green") ``` Good job! Note that we did not tell `smooth.spline` that the regression function was cubic. We didn't tell it anything about the regression function. Nevertheless, it comes pretty close. Statistical inference after "smoothing", which is what this is often called rather than "nonparametric regression" is also problematic. We would have to bootstrap to get confidence intervals. Some smoothing methods do come with confidence intervals, but those intervals assume the degree of smoothness of the regression function is known rather than estimated from the data. So they are bogus when, as here, we don't specify a degree of smoothness (by using the optional argument `df`). #### R function `gam` in package `mgcv` Let's try one more. The R package `mgcv`, which is a "recommended" package that comes with every R installation, fits much more general models than `smooth.spline`. It fits, so-called additive models, where the mean vector has the form $$ \mu = g_1(x_1) + g_2(x_2) + \cdots + g_k(x_k) $$ where $x_1$, $x_2$, and $x_k$ are different predictors and $g_1$, $g_2$, and $g_k$ are different smooth functions that are to be figured out by the computer. So it does nonparametric regression with multiple predictors. But we are just going to illustrate one predictor using the same data as in the preceding section. ```{r fig.align='center'} library("mgcv") plot(x, y) lines(x, mu.true) aout <- gam(y ~ s(x, bs="cr")) summary(aout) curve(predict(aout, newdata = data.frame(x = x), type = "response"), add = TRUE, col = "darkseagreen") ``` Unlike, some other functions we have looked at, the R function produces objects of class ```{r} class(aout) ``` so there is a rich class of methods for generic functions. We can make confidence intervals. ```{r fig.align='center'} conf.level <- 0.95 plot(x, y) lines(x, mu.true) fred <- function(x) { foo <- predict(aout, newdata = data.frame(x = x), type = "response", se.fit = TRUE) crit <- qnorm((1 + conf.level) / 2) foo$fit + crit * foo$se.fit } curve(fred, lty = "dashed", add = TRUE) fred <- function(x) { foo <- predict(aout, newdata = data.frame(x = x), type = "response", se.fit = TRUE) crit <- qnorm((1 + conf.level) / 2) foo$fit - crit * foo$se.fit } curve(fred, lty = "dashed", add = TRUE) ``` This seems pretty good. Even though `gam` and `predict.gam` know nothing about the true unknown regression function, and even though these confidence intervals * assume that the degree of smoothness is known rather than estimated, and * are not corrected for simultaneous coverage, they mostly (nearly everywhere) cover the simulation truth. # Statistical Models of Other Kinds Not all statistical models are regression like, with a response and a predictor. You know from intro stats that the simplest models just have one variable. But there is still statistical inference. There can also be very complicated models with many parameters to estimate (but no single variable picked out as being a "response" to "predict"). More on these later. First we get some other subjects out of the way.