Statistics 5102 (Geyer, Spring 2003) Chi-Square Tests in R


Goodness of Fit with Simple Null Hypothesis

By Hand

By the phrase by hand, I of course don't mean completely, what I mean is that the computer doesn't do everything for you.

In this section, we just use R as a calculator that has built-in chi-square tables.

Using the R function chisq.test

More or less self-explanatory. For more info see the on-line help for the chisq.test function.

The main point that can be found out from looking at the help is that the default null hypothesis (what is used in the example above) is all categories equal probability. Specify a different null hypothesis with a vector p of probabilities of the same length as x.

If the sample size is too small for asymptotic approximation the function warns about this and can use simulation to get an accurate P-value. Oops! No it doesn't. Silly me, expecting the documentation to actually be correct. What it actually does is use simulation (if asked) only for chi-square tests of homogeneity and independence in two-way tables (the subject of Sections 9.3 and 9.4 in DeGroot and Schervish).

Goodness of Fit with Compound Null Hypothesis

When there is a compound null hypothesis, you just do the same thing except you have to

Six-Ace Flats

For these data the goodness of fit test fails. We don't believe these look like the results of 10,000 rolls of true dice.

I theorize that these are six-ace flats, dice shaved down on the six and ace (one) sides so that the other sides have smaller area and consequently smaller probability. This corresponds to a probability model with one free parameter. The six-ace sides have one probability, call it θ, and the other four have another probability. In order for the other sides to add to one, we must have the other probability be (1 - 2 θ) / 4.

Poisson, with bogosity

I claim the data in the file given by the dataset URL below and shown in the stem-and-leaf plot are Poisson.

External Data Entry

Enter a dataset URL :

Since we can't have an infinite set of categories for the chi-square test we have to lump some, say we have a 7+ category.

External Data Entry

Enter a dataset URL :

Oops! Only three counts in the smallest category violates the at least 5 in each cell rule of thumb. Let's pool the bottom two cells too. test we have to lump some, say we have a 7+ category.

External Data Entry

Enter a dataset URL :

Poisson, the right way

The reason the preceding stuff is called bogus is that it doesn't use efficient estimation. It should actually use the likelihood for the binned data, that is for y not x.

External Data Entry

Enter a dataset URL :

The relevant bits are the MLE based on x

Rweb:> lambda.hat <- mean(x) 
Rweb:> print(lambda.hat) 
[1] 3.53 
Rweb:> p.hat <- fred(lambda.hat) 
Rweb:> print(p.hat) 
        1-          2          3          4          5          6         7+  
0.13275127 0.18258281 0.21483911 0.18959551 0.13385443 0.07875102 0.06762584

and the MLE based on y

Rweb:> lambda.twiddle <- out$estimate 
Rweb:> print(lambda.twiddle) 
[1] 3.513539 
Rweb:> p.twiddle <- fred(lambda.twiddle) 
Rweb:> print(p.twiddle) 
        1-          2          3          4          5          6         7+  
0.13446416 0.18388611 0.21536369 0.18917219 0.13293278 0.07784408 0.06633699

almost no difference. It might make a difference if the P-value was near the borderline of statistical significance. In this example, where P = 0.69, it is just pedantic silliness to worry about whether we use lambda.hat or lambda.twiddle. (We only did it to show how.)

Two-way Tables (Independence and Homogeneity)

Let's try Example 9.3.1 in DeGroot and Schervish, first by hand, then using chisq.test. Hmmmmm. No, changed my mind. Other way round.

Using the R function chisq.test

We can't use the dataset URL mechanism in Rweb for two-way tables, because it won't read a table properly, just a data frame. So we enter the data the hard way. The function rbind binds rows together to make a matrix.

Of course, the dimnames(x) assignment is completely unnecessary. It only affects the appearance of the print(x) statement. The calculation only depends on the numbers.

By Hand

No real reason for this, just showing that the chisq.test function does do the same thing as calculating by hand.

If you only want to see the expected counts, the chisq.test function does that. No need for hand calculation.

P-values by simulation

Consider the following data, a 3 by 3 table

  0    9    8
  8    8   11
  7   19   30

Under the multiplicative model, there will not be at least 5 expected in each cell and the chisq.test function warns about this.

However we can get an accurate P-value by simulation

There's no need to use a simulation size as small as the default. The person who wrote this function must have had a really slow computer.