Fitting a Regression Model

Simple Linear Regression

We start with simple linear regression where the regression function has the form

μi = β1 + β2 xi

done using R

The estimates of the regression coefficients are β1 = −0.7861 and β2 = 0.6850, and the unbiased estimate of the error variance is σ2, which is 1.083^2 where 1.083 is the Residual standard error reported just below the coefficients table.

The R function lm fits the linear model. The expression y ~ x specifies the model. More about model formulas is given in the R documentation for model formulas, but you don't need to look at that. We'll cover all the formulas you need to know about in this web page.

For now it's enough to know that the formula specifies the predictor x and the response y. If these variables were instead named fred and sally, respectively, the model formula would have to be sally ~ fred and the whole model fitting statement would be

out <- lm(sally ~ fred)

Note that the model formula doesn't mention regression coefficients explicitly. There is one regression coefficient for each predictor in the formula (that is, there is a β1 for the predictor x) and there is also a regression coefficient for the constant predictor included by default.

The reason why the model fit is saved in a variable out is because we generally want to do many things with it. In this example, we use it twice. In other examples, we will use it more.

Quadratic Regression

Now we do the model

μi = β1 + β2 xi + β3 xi2

The estimates of the regression coefficients reported by the printout are

β1 = −0.7451
β2 = 0.6186
β3 = 0.0126

The R function lm fits the linear model. The expression y ~ x + I(x^2) specifies the model.

More about model formulas is given in the R documentation for model formulas, but you don't need to look at that. We'll cover all the formulas you need to know about in this web page.

For now it's enough to know that the formula specifies the predictors x and x^2 and the response y. The plus sign (+) is magical. It separates different predictors.

The I function that wraps the second predictor function. It is necessary to write I(x^2) instead of just x^2 because otherwise the hat (^) would not be interpreted correctly.

Generally, you have to wrap all complicated expressions for predictors. For example, you would write I(sin(x)) to use sin(x) as a predictor. Only simple variable names do not have to be wrapped.

Note that the model formula doesn't mention regression coefficients explicitly. There is one regression coefficient for each predictor in the formula, that is, there is a β1 for the predictor x and a β2 for the predictor I(x^2), and there is also a regression coefficient for the constant predictor (that is, there is a β0 too) included by default.

The curve function that draws the sample regression curve on the plot we will just treat as magic because it is too complicated to explain. It is, of course, documented in the on-line help, but you don't need to look at that.

For comparison, we add (dotted line) the regression line from the other plot (simple linear regression).

Multiple Regression

Here is a model with two predictor variables. We can't call both predictor variables the same name. Here we call them x1 and x2. The regression function is

μ = β1 + β2 x1 + β3 x2

The regression coefficients reported by the printout are

β1 = −11.4528
β2 = 0.4503
β3 = 0.1725

The R function lm fits the linear model. The expression y ~ x1 + x2 specifies the model.

Hypothesis Tests

Tests about Regression Coefficients

We'll use the example for simple linear regression and the example for quadratic regression which were done above as our examples for hypothesis tests about regression coefficients.

The form below redoes those examples, except for the plots, which we don't need.

The columns labeled t value and Pr(>|t|) of the Coefficients: table give, respectively,

For example, if we want to do the test with regression function

μ = β1 + β2 x

and hypotheses

H0 : β2 = 0
H1 : β2 ≠ 0

then the value of the test statistic is T = 3.801. Assuming the null hypothesis and assuming the standard regression assumptions (i. i. d. mean zero normal errors), this test statistic has a Student t distribution with n − 2 degrees of freedom. The corresponding P-value is P = 0.00523 (two-tailed). But you don't have to do a look-up in a table of the t distribution, R does it for you.

The interpretation of P = 0.00523 for this test is, of course, that the null hypothesis is rejected and the true unknown population regression coefficient β1 is nonzero.

If you wanted a one-tailed rather than a two-tailed test, you would have to divide the given P-value by 2.

For another example, if we want to do the test with regression function

μ = β1 + β2 x + β3 x2

and hypotheses

H0 : β3 = 0
H1 : β3 ≠ 0

then the value of the test statistic is T = 0.092 and the P-value is 0.929.

The interpretation of this P-value is, of course, that the null hypothesis is accepted and the true unknown population regression coefficient is zero. As usual, that doesn't prove the population regression coefficient is actually zero. It only says that the data at hand don't give any real evidence it is not zero.


The quadratic regression is unnecessary for these data. It appears that the linear model with the regression function

μ = β1 + β2 x

fits the data well.

The linear regression does appear to be necessary for these data. It appears that the model with the constant regression function

μ = β1

does not fit the data well. So the the linear model is necessary.


Remember the dogma: a statistical hypothesis test is valid only when you do only one test on a data set.

We can push that a little bit. It's not too bogus if we do only one test per regression.

But we should never do more than one test on one regression. That means we should never look at more than one of the P-values printed in the Pr(>|t|) column of the Coefficients: table in a regression output.

The two regressions in this section are a good example of this issue.

Omnibus Tests

Also of interest in multiple regression is a test of whether there are any regression coefficients that are significantly nonzero except for the coefficient β1 that goes with the constant predictor and is usually not of interest. That is we want to do a test of

H0 : β2 = β3 = ... = βk = 0    
H1 : βi &ne 0,      for some i > 1

This test is often not of particular research interest. It serves as a straw man to knock down. The null hypothesis is generally thought to be false and is easily rejected with a reasonable amount of data.

But it is important to do the test anyway. When the null hypothesis cannot be rejected, this means the data are completely worthless. The model that has the constant regression function fits as well as the regression model.

Thus if this test fails to reject H0 the right thing to do is throw the data in the trash. They're worthless. No further analysis need be done.

The idea that their precious data, obtained at great cost in time, money, or effort, might actually be worthless upsets some people so much that they don't even want to think about doing this test. But they should. Drawing conclusions from worthless data makes you a fool, whether or not you are aware of your foolishness. If someone else reanalyzes the data, they'll find out.

R does this test in every regression printout. For quadratic regression example were done above part of the printout was

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 
(Intercept)  -0.7451     0.7319  -1.018    0.343 
x             0.6186     0.7500   0.825    0.437 
I(x^2)        0.0126     0.1373   0.092    0.929 
Residual standard error: 1.157 on 7 degrees of freedom 
Multiple R-Squared: 0.644,	Adjusted R-squared: 0.5423  
F-statistic: 6.332 on 2 and 7 DF,  p-value: 0.02692

The last line describes this omnibus test.

The interpretation is that the null hypothesis is rejected (P = 0.02692). So the regression is not completely worthless. Either β2 or β3 appears to be nonzero (or perhaps both).

Note that this is quite the opposite conclusion from what one would get if one were foolish enough to do two tests on the same regression using the P-values for the regression coefficients in the Pr(>|t|) column of the Coefficients: table. Yet another example of the reason for the only one test rule.

Model Comparison Tests

In this section we consider testing a big model versus a little model. The null hypothesis is some regression model, and the alternative hypothesis is some other regression model, and the little model is a submodel of the big model (the little model is obtained by setting some of the regression coefficients of the big model to zero).

As an example, let us consider the multiple regression example done above. We use the model from that fit as the little model. And we consider a quadratic model as the big model. A quadratic model has three more terms. The regression function for the big model is

μ = β1 + β2 x1 + β3 x2 + β4 x12 + β5 x1 x2 + β6 x22

We obtain the regression function for the little model by setting β3 = β4 = β5 = 0. So the little model is indeed a submodel of the big model (as the test requires).

To compare the fits of the two models we first do the fits, which we save in the R objects out.little and out.big. Then we compare the models using the anova function. The printout of that function is a so-called ANOVA (analysis of variance) table, which dates back to the days of hand calculation and gives old timers a warm fuzzy feeling. For our purposes we only need to get the test statistic (F = 1.5442) and P-value (P = 0.3337) out of this table.

The interpretation of the test is that the null hypothesis is accepted. The data give no evidence of statistically significant departure from the little model. That doesn't prove the little model is actually correct, only that the data give no evidence it isn't.

Note that you can't get the same effect by looking at the three P-values for the three regression coefficients separately. That violates the do only one test rule.

If you want to make this model comparison, you need to do this test.

The omnibus test of the preceding section is the special case of the test of this section where the little model has only the constant predictor.

Confidence Intervals

Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients

We'll use the example for quadratic regression which was done above as our example.

R doesn't do regression confidence intervals for you. It does most of the work but leaves a bit left for you. Let's again look at the regression printout for that example.

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 
(Intercept)  -0.7451     0.7319  -1.018    0.343 
x             0.6186     0.7500   0.825    0.437 
I(x^2)        0.0126     0.1373   0.092    0.929 
Residual standard error: 1.157 on 7 degrees of freedom 
Multiple R-Squared: 0.644,	Adjusted R-squared: 0.5423  
F-statistic: 6.332 on 2 and 7 DF,  p-value: 0.02692

The printout gives us three numbers (highlighted in yellow) needed to construct the confidence interval.

Thus one makes up a confidence interval in the usual way

point estimate ± critical value × standard error

where the critical value here comes from the t distribution with the degrees of freedom stated.

If we want a 95% confidence interval, the critical value for 7 degrees for freedom is given by

Rweb:> qt(0.975, 7) 
[1] 2.364624

and then the confidence interval for the parameter β3 for these data is given by

Rweb:> 0.0126 + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, 7) * 0.1373 
[1] -0.3120629  0.3372629

Of course, this whole calculation can be done by hand with a calculator and a table of the t distribution starting with the regression output. No further use of R is necessary after getting the regression output.

Confidence Intervals for the Regression Function

We can also get a confidence interval for the value of the regression function μ = g(x) at some predictor point x = (x1, ..., xk).

The R function predict does this.

For a first example, take the quadratic regression example we used frequently in this web page. Suppose we want to estimate g(x) for x = 4.5.

The interval: (0.97802, 3.60901)

If the predictor is a vector, then each component must be supplied in the newdata argument.

This time we use the multiple regression example. we used frequently in this web page. Suppose we want to estimate g(x1, x2) for x1 = 2.0 and x2 = 64.