Date Assigned: Monday, October 16, 2023

Date Due: Friday, November 3, 2023 at one minute before midnight


Do using Rmarkdown. Upload two files to Canvas before the time Canvas says the homework is due

Rmarkdown file

and the corresponding output

cover the basics of Rmarkdown. For the basics of markdown text formatting, see

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Solve each problem. Explain your reasoning. No credit for answers with no explanation.


This problem uses the data in Table 4.3 in Agresti, which can be read into R as follows

## [1] "color"  "spine"  "width"  "satell" "weight" "y"
sapply(table_4.3, class)
##     color     spine     width    satell    weight         y 
## "integer" "integer" "numeric" "integer" "integer" "integer"

This assumes you have R package CatDataAnalysis installed on your computer, which is a CRAN package installed in the usual way


done at the R command line or by mousing around in menus in your favorite R app.

Note that the table caption for Table 4.3 in Agresti makes it clear that the variables color and spine are categorical, not (as R has them at this point) "integer". So we have to deal with that.

The response is satell, a count variable. Do a Poisson regression of satell on the other variables not including y, which apparently isn’t part of the original data. Unlike the analysis recommended by Agresti in Section 4.3.2, use the default log link for the Poisson model (thus making the model being used an exponential family).

  1. Test whether any of the terms in the model can be dropped. use any one of Wald, Wilks, Rao for all the tests, your choice. (Do not do more than one of these. Pick one and use it.) Report the \(P\)-value for each test. What model do these tests suggest we use?

  2. Do a test of the submodel these tests suggest versus the original model with all predictors. What does this test say?


Do a Bayesian analysis of the model for these data specified by the formula

satell ~ 0 + color + weight

(when color has been converted to a factor). This gets everybody on the same page to start.

Since the MLE regression coefficients (canonical linear submodel canonical parameters) are of very different sizes, it may help to use a vector (or even a matrix) scale parameter. When doing MCMC with the R function metrop in the CRAN package mcmc, which is what was used for the Bayes examples, the following are things to do (TTD). Scale proportional to standard deviation componentwise, that is,

foo <- sqrt(diag(var(mout$batch)))

where mout is the result of a call to metrop that had blen = 1 (no batching), and use scale proportional to foo for future runs. Scale proportional to matrix square root of (approximate) posterior variance matrix, that is,

foo <- var(mout$batch)
bar <- eigen(foo, symmetric = TRUE)
baz <- bar$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(bar$values)) %*% t(bar$vectors)
# check that this is indeed matrix square root
all.equal(foo, baz %*% baz)

where mout is the result of a call to metrop that had blen = 1 (no batching), and use scale proportional to baz for future runs.

The log likelihood for Poisson regression is written out explicitly in a section at the end of the notes for Agresti Chapter 4. Use the conjugate prior distribution having log unnormalized probability density function that looks like the log likelihood \[ \sum_{i \in I} \left[ \eta_i \theta_i - \nu e^{\theta_i} \right] \] where \(\eta_i\) are the components of a vector hyperparameter \(\eta\) and \(\nu\) is a scalar hyperparameter. So everybody uses the same prior, choose \(\eta_i = 1 / 2\) for all \(i\) and \(\nu = 1 / 2\).

Note: Since the above is a log PDF we have already taken the logs that R function metrop wants. We use Bayes’ rule in the form \[ \text{log unnormalized posterior} = \text{log likelihood} + \text{log unnormalized prior} \] As we will eventually see (Notes on Conjugate Prior Distributions for Exponential Family Models) this is a proper prior distribution.

  1. Produce estimates of the posterior means of each of the parameters with Monte Carlo standard errors. Use long enough batches so there is no statistically significant autocorrelation of batch means. Base your estimate on a run that takes at least one minute of computing time. If mout is the result of a call to metrop, then mout$time is the amount of time it took.

  2. Figure out how much longer the run would have to be for the Monte Carlo standard errors to be less than 0.01 of the quantities being estimated. And the same except for 0.001.

  3. Make a plot of the posterior PDF for the parameter named weight.